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a once in a lifetime kind of woman

About: Biography

Je m'appelle Nina,


Je suis souvent décrite comme exotique - et en effet, je suis un cocktail de cultures exotiques. Un peu de sprezzatura italienne, un peu de passion brésilienne, ma dualité est une énorme partie de qui je suis, un mélange de cultures très différentes et d'ethnies contrastées. Vous pouvez voir mon héritage dans mon visage, ma peau bronzée, mes yeux perçants et mes lèvres charnues captivent toujours des regards…

Méditerranéenne, de cœur latin, et français impeccable.


Je suis heureuse lorsque j'apprends une nouvelle langue, lorsque je pratique un sport ou je planifie mon prochain voyage. En tant que polyglotte et passionnée des cultures différentes, je m'épanouis lorsque je voyage vers de nouvelles destinations et que j'explore des musées du monde entier.


On me dit souvent que je suis aussi intelligente comme je suis jolie ; bien eduquée et passionnée par beaucoup de choses, mon talent m'a amené de l'autre hémisphère de ce monde à Paris, pour étudier dans une des Grandes Écoles les plus prestigieuses, les plus exclusives et sélectives de France. En France, j'ai découvert l'univers de l'œnologie, j’ai élargi ma sélection de vins préférés et maintenant j'aspire à être sommelière, je peux donc vous promettre de belles conversations autour d'un bon vin dans un mélange parfait de sensuel et d'intellectuel.


À mi-parcours pendant mes études, je me suis retrouvée avide de connexion humaine, ayant désespérément besoin d'échapper à la vie quotidienne, et en quête de sens, je me suis retrouvée dans la vie passionnante d’une escorte.


Mais ne vous laissez pas tromper par ma sophistication et mes regards angéliques; je dois vous prévenir tout de suite que le calme ne vient pas avec moi quand je suis dans vos bras. Extrêmement chaleureuse, je suis toujours à la recherche d'expériences nouvelles et intenses, et ma peau douce brûle comme le feu..


Découvrez-en plus sur moi lors de notre propre escapade secrète.

Faites-vous plaisir. Laissez-moi être à vous et laissez-moi vous ravir,




Halfway through my studies I found myself craving human connection, in desperate need of escaping everyday life, and in the search for meaning I found myself inside the thrilling life of a companion. 

I keep being been told there's a hint of innocence in me; it could be because of my natural look barely covered with make up, or maybe it's the shy smile in my face when I first greet you. It might just be the silky smoothness of my skin, or my sweet and caring personality. Yet.. the most wicked thoughts run through my mind.

Naturally submissive with a passion for indulgences, I can't help being playful and I can't hide my lustful nature. When I'm in your arms, my composure doesn't come with me. I am always eager for new and intense experiences, my soft skin burns as fire, and my focus is to escape reality and get lost in the moment with you.

The conversationalist in me, mixed with my wanderlust and multi-cultural nature, made of me an ideal travel companion, and now I offer a series of unique travel escapades across the globe.

I am proud of myself for having created a world where I can explore my deepest fantasies, a jardin secret that remains a hidden part of my life, a break from academia and an escape from the mundane, the boredom of correctness and the ordinary of the day-to-day.

When was the last time you indulged in what you most desire? Have you created a life where you can be true to yourself and experience the things you have dreamed about for so long? Have you found a partner in crime -a friend, or lover- a muse you can confide in or trust to make you feel alive?


Something brought you here - a burning desire to feel good. We now have that in common. Maybe we were meant to escape the world for a little bit. Maybe you deserve it. Maybe you need it. Only you can change your life.

- Until we meet. Your escapade partner,

nina lira


“Peu m’importe comment tu gagnes ta vie.  Je veux savoir quel est ce désir qui brûle en toi à t’en faire mal et si tu oses rêver rencontrer le désir de ton cœur." - the invitation poem, OMD

stats & details



Based in Frankfurt am Main for the rest of 2023. Paris is my second home. You might have seen me around London, DC, Boston, Toronto..


25 years old.. Too old for Leo Di Caprio


European and South-American mix. Mediterranean/latin looks.


Petite and curvy with little tasteful tattoos to discover when clothes are off,  no enhancements, and full natural lips (as seen on Instagram). Good things come in small packages.. 1.58m or 5"2. Vaxxed and waxxed.


Fluent: French, Spanish, English. Conversational: Italian, Portuguese. Intermediate and learning: German. Dreams of learning Japanese or Arabic someday. Just a little multi-cultural girl fascinated with linguistics.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: ENFP - a mix of intensity, passion and chaos. Not really an horoscope person. Dog mom meets cat lady..  Down to Earth and wouldn't take myself too seriously.. (As seen on Twitter)


Coffee-based life form pursuing not one, but two degrees. (Who made me do this!) Obsessed with bootcamps, edx, learning new skills or languages and adding extracurriculars to an overcharged CV


Loves women too. Burning for new experiences.

For dinner..

No dietary restrictions (eats mostly plant-based at home, loves seafood when out) and no allergies.


Smiles too much, not afraid to make fun of myself, and will steal your side of the bed. Obsessed with collecting lingerie. Loves museum dates... Will never say no to Chablis


“Peu m’importe comment tu gagnes ta vie.  Je veux savoir quel est ce désir qui brûle en toi à t’en faire mal et si tu oses rêver rencontrer le désir de ton cœur." - the invitation poem, OMD



Chablis' wines, especially La Chablisienne or William Fèvre


Nikkei, absolute favourite - Japanese, Peruvian, Thai, Indian, Italian


Brazilian Caipirinha, Peruvian Pisco Sour, Mexican Margaritas.

It's the Latin in me


Buenos Aires, DC, Toronto, Montréal, Amsterdam, Bordeaux, Stockholm, Barcelona, Sorrento, Zagreb


Oenology, linguistics, architecture and design, psychology, Egyptology, dogs, hiking with my pup, gymnastics, pilates and football (soccer)


Barcelona on St Jordi's day, picnics in Spring, la Fête de la Musique in Paris, grape harvesting season in vineyards in September, summers in Brazil, cozy scandi winters in Stockholm..


the Rijksmueum in Amsterdam, the Louvre in Paris, 

the museum of American History in DC, the Aga Khan museum in Toronto, the museum of broken relationships in Zagreb, Humbolt Forum in Berlin



Architecture. Renovation. Modern and post-modern architecture. Mies van der Rohe. Ricardo Bofill. Brutalism. Eladio Dieste's boldness. Design. Bauhaus, Art Déco, Mid-Century Modern... Bellini couch > serpentine sofa. 


White and red roses. Lillies of the valley. Peonies and sunflowers.. Loves the smell of flowers in Spring.


I enjoy reading works in their original language when possible. Spanish. Gabriel García Marquez (favourite), Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, Isabel Allende. French. Pascal Quignard, Baudelaire. Italian. Primo Levi (favourite). Portuguese. José Saramago, José Mauro de Vasconcelos. English. Philip Pullman, Orwell, Charles Bukowski.


Wears mostly exclusively Nina by Nina Ricci. Likes Bella, ou Luna by Nina Ricci too. Miss Dior by Dior.


Jacquemus, Tiger of Sweden, Kate Spade, Coco Chanel, Hermès, Iris van Herpen.  Prefers ethical, sustainable, slow fashion.


Loves wearing white lingerie. Agent Provocateur, Bordelle, Studio Pia. Bondage lingerie (Anoeses, some Honey Birdette)


M., privately

Beauty and brains​

"I have never met a woman like her. She has the power to be intoxicating and addictive, either in conversation or intimate time."

To catch me on my travels, please subscribe to my newsletter on the bottom of this website

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